Mar 07, 2005 22:23
Today was the most spring time day! it was fabulous. i felt like walking over to safeway to get chinese food just like the good ol' days! our days as high school students are dwindling, i think that i should some what take advantage of that, but instead i just bail out on school a lot. like too much. i leave for mexico in ten days and i couldn't be more stoked! hopefully it will be perfect and i can just lay on the beach and drink a lot of fun drinks like daquaris and margaritas and get tan and meet with really cute guys with good stomachs. i don't usually care about the whole good body thing on a guy, i actually usually like them a little chubby but since i am in mexico on spring break of my senior year i feel its my responsiblity to live up to every cliche possible. i'm sure this is of no interest to all my hooked readers but i really have nothing else to say. this weekend was way fun, even though saturday was WAYYYYYY boring it was still fun just cause i haven't hung out with that crew in FOREVER! one day i will be rich and i will buy you all cars that match your personalities? hey want to play that game? send me a message and i'll tell you what car would suite you! this should be fun!