Music Goals: Equipment, Setlist, & the Unforseen Future

May 07, 2008 19:18

I'll worry about the amps another time... if I get these, I'll probably give my bass to my bro and sell my acoustic.

Hofner Icon B Bass

Ovation Celebrity Acoustic

I decided from now on I'm going to shop seriously when it comes to music-- my electric guitar was a good start. Hopefully I can also save up for a nice big PA, for all of us to practice on. I might sell the drumset when Dave gets his new one, depending on how often we practice.

I'm really excited about just learning whatever we can this summer, with whatever time we have. I've learned that no matter what songs you learn as a group, they will always come in handy at unexpected time, i.e., when someone asks you to play at their house, or when open mic nights are recurring, or when churches and other organizations have events requiring music.

Whether its us a a big group, or us in smaller groups, we'll all learn stuff this summer, and it'll pay off, whether now, or in the future. Either way, I'm very excited about it.

I miss you all! I can't wait to get back to Gainesville and do some hardcore jamming!
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