Apr 28, 2004 22:24
i decided that this thing is gay because it makes you put in a subject. anyway.... today we ran the mile in gym, then i had track. i thought that track was gunna be easy... but it wasnt. we had a hard lifting workout including squats, then when we thought it was done... nope... timefor sprints!! yay! anyways... that was the bad part of the day... otherwise today wasnt that bad. sara left track early and we went to my house just to hang around and do homework... then i took her out to zacatacas... yes, she got her way, i wanted to go to el azteca, but i was taking her out to dinner because im leaving, so i let her decide. well i get to leave for tenessee at 530 friday morning oh joy! well at least i get to be golfing in the warmth of the sun while all the poor saps here in neenah are sitting in a clasroom "learning" well im tired, so im gunna go to bed... but sara and andrew are calling me back, meaning im going to sleep only to be inturupted by my fone ringing. god, life is pointless, eh?