[strides onto stage]
[taps microphone]
Well, hello everyone.
I’ve been working on the background and setting for this fictional live journal. I’m happy to report that it’s taking shape!
This is definitely a new “Nowhere House.” I had fun with the story of Wade, and I don’t want to show disrespect to my previous characters, but I think this new story is one I’m more suited to tell. If there’s some way to announce that, “Hey! This story is R rated,” I’d better find it, because the very first entry starts off with the R rated-ness.
There are places on Taibril I have explored only in my mind, land masses separated from Edrydon by thousands of miles of sea and the limits of technology. (Again, Taibril is where my novels, “Tamshi’s Imp” and “Children of Rhatlan” take place. See
http://www.lulu.com/jonathanfesmire/.) The new “Nowhere House” takes place on one of those continents, and I have to sort out place names, customs, and so on, before really launching into this narrative.
[takes a sip of ice water]
This stage thing is appropriate. I didn’t think of it when I did last night’s post, but it fits with the new “Nowhere House.” Pretty soon, you’ll all see why.
[toasts with glass]
(Hmm, was that really water, or some other clear, celebratory toasting drink?)
I’ll see you all onstage.