Nov 07, 2005 01:06
I'm really excited about my classes for next semester. I found out that this awesome-sounding biological anthropology lab that my advisor had told me would be good requires sophomore standing, so that's an unpleasant complication, but the rest is good. I just need to find a replacement for that class. I'm taking:
Information Science and Learning Technology 4361: Digital Media
Theatre 1400: Acting for Non-Majors
J1010: Intro to Journalism
English 1000H: Honors Basic Composition
Human Development and Family Studies 1610: Intimate Relationships and Marriage
And I'm thinking of replacing my bioanthro class with Fundamental Archaeology, or something else cool. It doesn't have to be anthro, but that would be nice considering it's my minor. Whatever.
I went home to see my high school drama club's fall play. That was incredibly weird. I did every single show for the past four years, and watching an EHS Drama production was so, so weird. I miss it, hence the Theatre class. I have my sorority skits now, but that's not the same. I need to do some community theatre or something. It's hard to be without it.
I'm behind on my NaNo word count. Quick, feign shock!