...and maybe we could talk this over...

Sep 21, 2005 02:06

so i just got back from my first show in nearly a year. well not *just* got back, but more like an hour ago. i had to tell andi what happened ya know? :) good times. concerts are fun. paramore is awesome. as is he is legend. even though the lead singer is kinda freaky looking (definitely looks like a crazed homeless person). and the whole band liked to spit on the crowd. thankfully i was off to the side and away from the bodily fluid zone. but anyways. concerts are fun. i got a tshirt. and random stickers (is anyone really into switchfoot or coheed and cambria? let me know bc i've got your christmas present taken care of). um let's see. maybe i meant to write in my actual journal instead of lj. :) one bad thing about sitting in the dark except for the light on my desk is that all the stupid little bugs flock to the light. flock? that's definitely not the right word when referring to bugs. meh. wow i'm really not tired at all. at the sound of the tone, the time will be 2:22 am. make a wish. i'm so excited to wear my new shirt tomorrow. it's rather bitchin if i may say so myself. which i think i may. thanks. :D too many smilies. no more. i wish i knew more people that liked to go to concerts. anyone? who likes the same music/something similar to what i listen to. that'd be swell. instead of just the one person. there are a lot of good concerts in october. i dunno if i'll get to go to them though. i think the entire world needs to take a class on how to communicate. myself included. :/ whatev. maybe i'll work on that. i've got a plan anyways. although i'm not always the best at sticking to the plan. anyways. andi got corpse bride tickets today! for free! for thursday! when does the movie open? oh yeah. that's right. friday! suckers! mwahaha! it's like i'm working at the theater again. except almost completely different, but ya know what i mean. so yeah that should be good times. i hope it's good. that'd kinda suck if it did. sucked that is. wow maybe i am a bit sleepy, with jokes like that. but i feel rather awake so i'll just chalk that up to my natural lameness. i should see taking back sunday in concert. that'd be awesome. they're supposedly working on a new album which will be coming out next year. so maybe they'll go on tour! anyone wanna go see them with me? maybe i should join myspace and find people to go to shows with. :) except not. i don't think i'd ever join myspace or facebook or anything like that just because i know like 4 people on the entire planet and having like two friends on one of those things would probably just hurt my self-esteem. how about something corporate? whenever andrew gets done with jack's mannequin and gets back with them. i think my sister should like fall out boy. and motion city soundtrack. and panic! at the disco. and the starting line and boys night out too. poke to you if you're reading this! :) why these specific bands you ask? what a brilliant question. because they're playing in indy on her birthday! and i like fob and mcs and what i've heard of patd. hehe just abbreviations. i like it. oh and she should like going to concerts like that too. did i poke you already? well let me do it again. :) and then it was 2:38. and i had to pee. maybe i'll go take care of that. it'll give the bugs time to scatter away from my desk. like you really needed to know the state of my bladder, i know. deal with it. :P random thoughts from my trip to the bathroom: i am apparently the only person still awake on the floor or at least who has used the bathroom in the last hour or so, i should just not go to sleep tonight since i have to wake up in like 6 hours and i have to shower still and i'm not in the least bit tired, i'm rather lame, and i forget what else. i think i should speak in song quotes. that should be my life goal. except it would have to be life goal #2 because i decided yesterday (when i came pretty darn close to finishing the sunday crossword puzzle) that my life goal should be to finish a sunday crossword. is that sad those are my two life goals? i don't think so. i think they're fabulous, if not necessarily practical. or attainable. meh. something to shoot for. i still haven't finished up the film from meredith's birthday. boo for that. i planned on working on that today. but we all know how good i am at adhering to plans. that's a good word. adhere. nice. i think i may be queen of exceedingly long paragraphs.
paragraph two. and i didn't even correctly capitalize this post. wow. i bet no one at all will read past the third sentence. if you see this (after reading everything before it. no cheating!), let me know and you may win a prize. like a switchfoot sticker. i mean... instead of just rambling about random things, i suppose i could ramble about what i've been up to recently. or just this past weekend. friday, andi, laura and i went to see batman begins. good movie. not cheesy. i've seen it all the way through at least 4 times now. rock rock on. speaking of rock rock on, i'm going to make my own wardrobe with cheap tshirts and iron-ons. cool, i know. you're jealous. or someone would be if anyone read this far. i need a good night so i can quote dark blue by jack's mannequin again for an away message. not just a good night because i've had some good nights. especially last week. surprisingly. well not like they were all awesome but ya know. but a certain kind of good night. one that merits quoting that specific song. anyways. saturday, i ate a lot, studied, worked out, watched laguna beach (which i have been told repeatedly i shouldn't tell people but it was entertaining. and it's not like i watch it all the time or anything. i never called it 'good' or anything remotely close so i think i'm okay), and then andi came home from work and we went to the corec. we're going to be so thin. it's crazy. people will be like wow, those girls need to eat a sandwich. and not a lettuce sandwich like they usually think. :) yup. and then later we picked up laura and went to walmart and plato's closet (perfect rock show outfit: tank top that says 'rock' in sparkly letters, silver sparkly belt, light jeans with rips and bleach spots, pink fedora, and hooker boots with 6+ inch heels. just so you're aware). then we went to laura's and dyed my hair. after watching some gilmore girls and eating an entire bag of fun size butterfingers. you get more chocolate for your money if you get a bag of the fun size instead of just one bar. just so you're aware. it's like hints from heloise night here on my lj. boo. no sugar we're going down at the moment. skipped. but yeah dyed my hair. i think it turned out rather well, especially considering neither of them had ever dyed hair before in their lives. then we saw 'just like heaven'. apparently i'm arbitrarily denoting titles now. it's a really good movie. funny, not just cute. go see it! everyone. right now. flood the theaters. tell all your friends. i usually don't like talking in songs but in 'i'm ready' i rather enjoy it. just so you're aware. that should be the new title of this thing. or my new screen name. i really should get a new one. the one i have now is from senior year of high school and doesn't really apply anymore. well maybe i could keep orez but psycho? definitely no. i need to put up my brad pitt poster. it's from mr. and mrs. smith. awesome movie. i hope i still get the poster. or i'd be sad. it's a nice poster. and it's not like anyone else is going to use it. anyways.
paragraph three. wow i just realized it's septemeber 21. crazy. i wanna go on a trip. somewhere far away. not like guatemala or anything. but something further away than indy or chicago or detroit. i'm thinking east coast. boston. cape cod. new york. anyone with me? maybe chicago. i haven't been there in a while. somewhere. anywhere will do i suppose. when it really comes down to it. :) oh well. some day. i should just skip class tomorrow. except not. that might be bad. at least i don't have to work until sunday. and no research yet. i need to call the career counseling place though. i'm totally doing that this week. and then talking to my advisor about a spring internship next week. totally. that's the plan anyway...wow. this is pretty much the longest post ever. and now i'm really just rambling about nothing. maybe i should end this...hmm...i'll think about it. i want to send in a postcard to postsecret. not that i really have any big dramatic or funny secrets like the people on there or anything...but yeah i've wanted to do that for a while so maybe i'll work on that some day. like tomorrow. even though i should probably work on catching up on all that reading i didn't do the first couple weeks of school. postsecret is awesome by the way. in case you weren't aware. and i totally liked it before all american rejects used that idea in the video for their stupid new song. so :P and fall out boy! i totally liked them freshman year. maybe even senior year, i can't remember. definitely by freshman year though. so :p on all those people who are such *huge* fans just because of 'sugar we're going down.' :D i know i sound like some lame scenester but whatev. hellogoodbye is on the new season of the real world. i found that out c/o their website, not the show, thankyouverymuch. i may have indulged in some laguna beach saturday but that doesn't make me a reality tv whore. so i'm kinda afraid everyone in the world will like them now. only cool people are allowed to because they're a cool band. speaking of them, has anyone heard that children's rhyme 'my bonnie lies over the ocean'? because apparently outside of hellogoodbye and my immediate family no one in the world knows what that is. and it's tragic. speaking of tragedy, i didn't get the tbs switchblade track jacket i wanted to get today. i was only in hot topic for about 8 seconds so sadly i still need a jacket. and a cool one at that. but oh well. some day...
paragraph four? is that right? i don't feel like scrolling. and i doubt anyone at all is reading this by now. this is more just for me at this point. and by 'more' i mean 'basically completely.' uh oh. i just yawned. 3:29 and apparently i might be getting tired. i shoulda gotten a two liter instead of this puny 20 oz. of pepsi. i knew it! oh well. i guess sleep is good sometimes. my nose is a bit stuffy. probably from all the cigarette smoke tonight. boo for smoking. what a silly way to kill yourself. so long. painful. expensive. can't you think of a better way? i mean seriously people, come on. boo for losing three games of spider solitare in a row. on medium too. sheesh. thumbs down to me. so i talked to a random guy in the elevator the other day about tbs. maybe i'll get him to go to a concert with me. you can't go alone. that'd just be sad and no fun. forget december is pretty much my favorite christmas song. just so you're aware. it's an awesome anytime song too. it's just good all around. i'm totally just rambling now. i don't want to take a shower because if i do i know the next step would be to go to bed. and i don't really feel like going to sleep. and i like this whole random post thing this has evolved into. it's like writing in a journal w/o all the serious emotional stuff that goes along with it. not that serious stuff is bad or that anything serious is going on, but you know what i mean. check? check. 'and she won't sleep, and she won't sleep, and she won't sleep at all...' hahaha high five sc! perfect timing. it's a tad bit chilly in here. i hope it's cold again tomorrow like it was ealier in the week. fall is the best season. period. hands down. i really want to go to cave hill this year. i haven't been the last two falls and that makes me sad. even if i can't find anyone to drag with me, i'm totally going this year. forget you guys! you don't know what you're missing. cemetaries in the fall are absolutely lovely. especially cave hill. is it strange to have a favorite cemetary? yeah i didn't think so. maybe i'll dig out my mother's old nikon and take some black and whites. maybe i'll even develop them myself. i was going to do that last year. maybe even the year before. but i got lazy. or busy. no probably lazy. not this year! argh! that's so you know i mean business. i'll go one day of fall break. have a real emo day. :) i kinda wanna take up painting. i've wanted to for a while, but i really have no artistic ability whatsoever. however, i thought i had no athletic ability until a little while ago and now i almost did a real backbend on like my third try yesterday. i can totally do one with the help of my window ledge though. and i probably would have made it if not for the fact i had just eaten dinner and i'm dumb. that's how i got my concussion. that's not really a concussion but more of a mild headache that lasted for a few hours. but still. it could have been a concussion. you don't know. i'm gonna try again tomorrow. i've decided. right now. i should make a postit of what i need to do tomorrow. or what i ought to do. or could possibly do to keep busy. dear god: why bugs? couldn't you have just left them out? would the world really have been that much worse off without them? i surely don't think so. work on it... back to cave hill though. i'm totally going. i'll have four days at home to do basically nothing. october 7-11. is anyone else's fall break then? that's so early. i guess that's cool. i dunno. maybe i'll finally install my rockin new digital camera and i can use that this fall. i told andi we should find a cemetary around here to go to. i don't know how into that she was. but we'll see. i'm telling you, cemetaries are the best place to be in the fall. i almost bought a pumpkin at meijer today. i stopped by to get a soda on the way home tonight and they had a couple huge cardboard boxes filled with pumpkins out front. only $3.99 too. i wanna go pumpkin picking. and to a corn maze. i want to be cliche this fall is basically what it boils down to. :) individuality is so overrated. plus there are so many people in the world now no one can really be different now anyway. wow fourth times a charm. apparently spider solitaire didn't get the memo...since it's now after 4 and i haven't had anything anyone would find remotely interesting to say in at least 2 paragraphs and i won my spider solitaire game, i guess i can go shower now. well after i listen to my favorite song ever of all time ever that is... :)
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