(no subject)

Feb 07, 2005 21:34

Today was a great and special day! Today was very good, especially school, haven't had a day like that in a while, but anyways on to the big news..............I GOT MY LICENSE!!! EEEEKKKKK... I am soo excited, even though I haven't driven by myself yet, I am just excited to know that I can. Maybe I'll drive to Elysse's house tomorrow. Ok well ya all excited.

Ya I am deciding to take this little thing here, no need to read its more for myself, unless you wanna read it, then no one is stopping you!

[Marital Status] Married with children...jk, funny show tho
[Height] 5'6
[Parents still together] YUP
[Siblings] 2 sisters 1 bro
[Pets] 1 dog, Casey
[In school/graduated] In High School

[Color] every color, but mostly any shade of Blue
[Number] 5, 15, 10, 6
[Animal] dogs, elephants
[Drinks] juice squez
[Soda] any types of Orange Soda
[Book] Farewell to Manzanar

Do you...
[Color your hair?] Nope, I like to go al natural
[Twirl your hair?] ALL THE TIME
[Have tattoos?] NOPE
[Have Piercings?] YUP
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] no
[Cheat on tests/homework?] Homework yes, but i refuse to cheat on a test
[Drink/Smoke?] I'll drink when im of age and I will never smoke
[Like roller coasters?] Like em' I LOVE EM'
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] At this time in my life...no
[Want more piercings?] ehh, not really
[Like cleaning?] HELL NO
[Write in cursive or print?] I print for everyone elses sake
[Sweat a lot?] Eww
[Own a web cam?] no
[Know how to drive?] HELL YA
[Diet?] YES

Have you ever...
[Been in a fist fight?] I used to punch my sister, but thats pretty much it
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] HAHAHA YA my brother, not an accident, he was being a big jerk
[Held a gun?] No and I hope I never have to
[Drank?] Nope
[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] No but I've seen many like that
[Considered a life of crime?] NO!
[Considered being a hooker?] NOPE
[Cheated on someone? ] No
[Cried over a girl?] Yes, but it was friend related
[Cried over a boy?] OMG lets not get started
[Lied to someone?] who hasn't
[Been in love?] i've had very large, huge crushes, where I think I'm in love
[Fallen for your best friend?] no
[Made out with JUST a friend?] no
[Been rejected?] kinda, but without ever asking(long story)
[Been in lust?] yes
[Used someone?] no
[Been used?] yah not dealing with love, but friends have
[Been cheated on?] nope
[Been kissed?] Sad to say but no

[Current clothing] brown roxy shirt
[Current mood] eh
[Current taste] bubble gum
[What you currently smell like] beyond paridise, my purfume
[Current thing I ought to be doing] sleeping, Im tired
[Current cds in stereo] Simple Plan
[Current crush] I'll never tell
[Current job] Full time student
[Last book you read] Farewell to Manzanar
[Last movie you saw] Miracle
[Last thing you ate] Spagetti
[Last person you talked to on the phone] Elysse

Do you...
[Do drugs?] Nope
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] YES!!!
[Play an instrument?] no, but i wanna learn
[Believe there is life on other planets?] could be
[Remember your first love?] i dunno if you'd call it love
[Still love him/her?] maybe
[Read the newspaper?] only the funnies
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yes
[Believe in miracles?] DEFINATLY
[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] Ya
[Believe in God?] YES
[Do well in school?] yes
[Go to or plan to go to college] YUP
[Wear hats?] NO, I look like crap with em' on
[Hate yourself?] depends on the day
[Have an obsession?] YES
[Have a secret crush?] YA, DEFINATLY
[Collect anything?] Memories
[Have a best friend?] MANY
[Close friends?] YES
[Like your handwriting?] ehh, needs some work
[Care about looks?] not really, chemistry is really the key

Love life
[First crush] peter
[First kiss] umm....n/a
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] yes
[Do you believe in "the one?"] yes, and if you don't then how will you ever know who you're meant to be with
[Describe your ideal significant other]
[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] no
[Are you a tease?] NO!!! I SAY THAT WITH A PASSION
[Shy to make the first move?] OMG YES!

Are you a...
[Wuss] NO
[Druggy] definatly NOT
[Daydreamer] Like no other
[Freak] sometimes
[Dork] most of the time
[Bitch/Asshole] i can be if i want to
[Brat] eh
[Sarcastic] Omg a lil too much
[Angel] no one is
[Shy] Only in the beginning
[Talkative] Only when I'm hyper or really happy(rarely happens)
[Flirty] when i wanna
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