jk I love them both. However, today my aunt got all crabby about my new love Patrick Jane and how his show is a cheap rip off of USA's Psych. And I admit, the basic premise does seem similar, but they feel totally different to me. And really isn't that what matters? How I feel?
The Protagonist
Psych- Shawn Spenser The Mentalist- Patrick Jane
So these characters ARE very similar, they're both optimistic, they find humor in almost every situation, they love to play pranks, and they can both get very smug about their talents. The one thing that makes this work for me though, is that I feel like they are at compltely different stages in life. In Psych we see Shawn begin his time as a "psychic", we see his reasons why he does a lot of what he does, and why he is the way that he is.
Then we have Patrick, by the time the show starts he's already been retired from being a "psychic" and will clearly admit that it was all a hoax. Also, his character is darker, the biggest tragedy in Shawn's life comes from his childhood with his parents divorcee and his rough relationship with his dad, while with Patrick, we don't know anything about his childhood, but we do know that he's been through something significantly worse, having to deal with the brutal murders of his wife and young daughter.
Love Interest-
Psych- Carlton Lassiter a.k.a. Lassie
Sure, Shawn is the ultimate flirt and never fails to charm any random woman, but come on, ladies, just check out that blue steel. Lassie is also the Head Detective of the SBPD so he ends us working on cases with Shawn and even though they both put up a front they both have a deep respect for each other and it's pretty obvious where this is going.
The Mentalist- ?
As of yet, nobody, as mentioned before Patrick was married, but then she was murdered and I don't think he's over that yet, he certainly doesn't appear to be looking for love.
Psych- Guster Burton
It's a law of nature that where there is a Shawn Spenser, there will be a Burton Guster (insert crazy nickname here) soon to follow. The Wilson to Shawn's House, he is the rational down to earth friend that is constantly drawn into his best friends crazy hijinks. Some people wonder how these two are friends until you realize that he can be just as goofy as Shawn.
The Mentalist- These Guys
Patrick doesn't really have a sidekick, I actually see the CBI team as more of a minion type thing. Luckily for Patrick they haven't figured that out yet.
The Popo
Shawn is a psychic consultant for the Santa Barbara Police Department. Which means he ends up working with these guys.
Carlton Lassiter and his partner Juliet O'hara. I don't have much to say about her except that she doesn't annoy me.
This is Buzz Mcnab. Basically his job is just to hang out and be adorable.
Lassie vs Lisbon
Well, both of their last names start with the letter L. Both of them also serve as a sort of foil for the main protagonist. Where Shawn/Patrick are silly Lassie/Lisbon are serious, while Shawn/Patrick will often bend the rules to solve a crime Lassie/Lisbon are all about doing it by the book. However they both respect the work and skills that Shawn/Patrick have and that respect is returned, although Shawn/Patrick aren't above going behind Lassie/Lisbon's back to get what they want. They do have some differences though.
Is completely adorable in an unintentionally goofy way.
Is a dude.
Actually has chemistry with the main character and is therefore actually believeable as a future love interest.
Has social issues.
Is a step above her role as Veronica in Prison Break.
Is freakishly skinny.
Not completely annoy.
Final remarks- Story Arc
Psych- Doesn't really have one, and yet, this show totally manages without it.
The Mentalist- Well it's only been three episodes so it's hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure it's going to have something to do with Patrick's persuite of the serial killer that murdered his family. Either way I'm really excited to find out.
And that's pretty much it for now. I've kind of totally lost interest into doing anything in this beyond putting up pictures, so.....in conclusion, they are a little bit of the same, but they are also the right amount of different.