Punt and Dennis LIVE (an excitable fangirly report)

Apr 20, 2007 23:48

They were amazing live. Very, very funny.

It felt rather like Steve was there for the grown-up sensible comedy bits, and Hugh was there for the sillier people. I was perfectly happy to be a sillier person - there were maaaaany raptor impressions and more besides. It was wonderful. Hugh's drunk-acting is truly, truly immense. He went on for...well, probably longer than he should, and Steve sadly reflected that having a pointy stick and a map of England ("See that? Thaaaat....is ocean. This...this is you. Getting here [pointing diagonal] is eaaaasy....getting here....[pointing to Wales] is HARD. This...is not a country, it's a line of numbers, it came from Denmark. This is London. [pointing to the little detail bit] HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET HOME?") was probably not the best of ideas. I personally beg to differ.

There were moments of OMGSATIRE, which were very good, and things from The Now Show such as wonderful running gags ("I can see. I can see perfectly. Take me with you.") and gags they had done before which just brought us joy. It was made of amusement, lots and lots and lots of happiness, including SINGING. STEVE PLAYS THE GUITAR! And...Hugh plays the recorder. Not at the same time (more's the pity - Hugh had to stop playing the recorder because the rats were leaving their sewers :3) but they did both sing. My favourite was when they sang The Wheels On The Bus. The circumference of the wheel is 2-pi-r, 2-pi-r, 2-pi-r, the circumference of the wheel is 2-pi-r, r means radius....

But, of course, what y'all really want to hear about is teh slash :3 Well, it didn't help that my friend Joe kept telling me off every time I squealed "THEY ARE MIRRORING ONE ANOTHER." Which, incidentally, they were, a lot (sorry. I do psychology.) They were really rather playful, it was very sweet. Lots of teasing, lovely. The slashiest moment, however, was afterwards when Joe and I were waiting outside the stage door (trying not to be too creepy - nobody else waited, which is very silly in my opinion) and I asked them to sign my poster - Steve looked around for a surface, and Hugh bent over, offering his back. I had to resist squealing "SEE HOW QUICKLY HUGH BENDS FOR STEVE?!" because...well, I didn't want them to fear me. They were, though, wearing matching shirts, which made me happy (no Converse, though - mind you, I didn't notice at the stage door, and Hugh was in jeans there, soooooo...)

Anyway, if you have tickets, you're in for a treat. If you haven't, then get some. If you can't, then...erm...STAB SOMEONE IN THE EYE WHO DOES HAVE THEM AND STEAL THEM.

...or...maybe...don't break the law...

(...also, hoping the tags work...mods? Ehehehe..)

live shows, hugh dennis, steve punt

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