"I just have the sweetest boys ya'll!"

Oct 29, 2007 13:44

I have been pretty productive this morning. I did laundry, put away the dishes, made Halloween cookies, and straightened up a little around the house. So by noon, I was done and decided to watch some television. I was flipping through and landed on the Food Network. I caught the end of the Barefoot Contessa. Ina was just plating her meal, which looked delicious, of pork chops, green beans and homemade applesauce. Then Semi-Homemade came on, and Sandra Lee was making Halloween party treats that looked amazing and easy. Plus, she changed her costume 4 times. She was Cher, Madonna, Babs, and Liza. She cracks me up. And then, the train wreck that is Paula Dean and her salute to chocolate came on. She and one of her sons, Jaime, were making this chocolate cake, ya'll, and she mixed a stick of butter (I think she used 5 sticks total for the whole show Alyssa) and cooking oil into a measuring cup and she said,"With all of this oil and butter, you know what that means, ya'll?" I was thinking heart attack, stroke, diabetes, but no...Paula was thinking of "wet cake" and how much she,"...loves a wet cake." She makes me laugh so hard, which is why I couldn't bring myself to change the channel and ended up watching the whole show. Well, I need to take a nap before work. I'm quite tired of working nights, but at least I have a job, right?
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