Friday: I was really bored, so I was talkign to Christy on the phone then she came over because we were invited to go cosmic bowling with Angie, Courteny, Daniella, and Randi. So we went and had soo much fun! I lost my voice!! Haha. Then we made a 7-11 run and ate all night and stayed up atnd talked at Angie's and drew on each other and had pop tarts and watched my Super Sweet Sixteen in the morning!
Saturday: I went to Rachael's at liek whatever time that was haha liek 4ish I think lol. Then we were chillin, dancing liek crazy hahaha Rachael!! Then prank calling people!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahah actually one person but still, lol. Then we took pictures of our poses hahaha. Hee are some:
wow that was so fun
shes one crazy fool
Hahahahah then Gina came and we wnet to Trent's..Wow had some fun there with the utensils!!
Here are some pictures from Trent's..
awwe i love them
gina!!!!!! it had benn so long since i had seen her!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a fun weekend!!
I'm home next weekend so plans for sure with some people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Rachael is glorious!