Apr 28, 2005 15:00
I actually went to my astronomy class today for the first time in a couple of weeks. As soon as I went in, Tyler [the most awesome gay guy I know here] pointed out a guy wearing a shirt that said:
Dear Liberals,
You are wrong.
The Young Conservatives of Texas
I have to admit that it did make me mad at first, but then I had to laugh at him. He's proving every criticism towards conservatives right. It made him seem so stupid and childish and close minded. I really don't understand conservatives. I dont understand why they want to be told, and tell others, what to do rather than letting everyone make their own choices and learn from them as long as they're not hurting anyone. This is my own personal opinion, but it seems like they're just elitists that feel like they're so much better than everyone else, and that it's their opinions that are right. They spend [waste] their lives doing only what they've been drilled to believe that is right and is the only way, and trying to convince and force other people to do the same thing. Just being a drone. Yes, I'm a liberal, and whatever you say doesn't matter to me. I'm free and I'm happy, and I think everyone has the right to be too, no matter their personal preferences, and if that's wrong, well then fuck it.
P.S. I spent almost $10 more than usual in gas to fill up my car. I want to thank President Bush and everyone who voted for him. Really, thank you.