Jun 03, 2007 15:09
I buy steak, I marinate steak, I make steak. I do not eat it all. It is in the fridge. ZAK TAKES IT AND EATS IT. AFTER THEY FUKCING HAVE THEIR OWN STEAKS. They fukcing go out to grandma's house or go quadding or go do something and they they brag and leer at me and shit and they come home "heuh heunh heuh! we have stik, heunh heuh! u no hav stik heunh, heuuunnn!" Then I come home and get my OWN steak for me. AND THEY FUKING EAT HALF OF IT. BITCHES FUCK YOU.
sorry. This just pissed me off. Actually. It is hard to make me angry but I'm going to diplomatically talk to my dad tonight.