[Fan Fiction] Sleepless Nights

May 16, 2010 22:14

「Title」: Sleepless Nights
「Fandom」: Kamen Rider Kabuto
「Characters」: Kamishiro Tsurugi
「Prompt」: larkir #7 - Nightmare
「Genre」: Angst
「Warning」: Spoilers
「Rating」: PG
「Word Count」: 641
「Synopsis」: Memories of Tsurugi’s older sister continue to haunt him…
「Author’s Notes」: Yeah, still trying to finish the challenge o’ doom even though it pretty much died with everyone else lol Really short, random story but felt it needed to be written. Not expecting anyone to read this since no one I know has seen this series, hence my “bitch post” earlier…

Written for the 'List of Doom [aka Our Challenge is Better Than Yours]' challenge.

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.


Forgive me...

The moonlight rays splayed against the floor of the bedroom through the open window. The delicate white curtains danced in the soothing breeze as the wind traveled inside the unnaturally warm room. The extravagant bed frame encased a sleeping individual, which was only noticed when he was tossing and turning. The familiar angelic face of Tsurugi was replaced by an expression of fear… of guilt. Tiny beads of sweat were present around his face as his sleeping form tossed again, his head snapped from side to side in an attempt to run from the terrifying force in the nightmare. The soft whimpers and heavy breathing emanated from his throat and he gritted his teeth as if he was in pain. A single tear rolled down his fair cheek as another whimper escaped from his throat, before he let out a full scream…


“Bocchama!” the butler came into Tsurugi’s room and rushed to his master’s side. The elderly man knelt down beside the bed frame and placed a hand on his master’s shoulder to wake him. Tsurugi tossed his head a few more times, his eyes squeezed tight, as he tried to fight the fear of the nightmare. The butler shook the master one more time in hopes of waking him. The calm took over Tsurugi as he woke up and realized it had been a dream after all. He turned his head towards the hand that was still placed on his shoulder and recognized the older man with a soft sigh.


Tsurugi breathed the name of his faithful servant, his voice was hoarse with sadness and fear. Jiiya quickly grabbed the goblet on the table stand near the bed and poured some water into it to offer to the young master. The handsome man sat up and grabbed the glass and carefully sipped on the crystal clear water. The cold water soothed the parched and sore throat, but only momentarily.

Tsurugi couldn’t remember the last time he ever had a good night’s sleep. It seemed forever since he could ever find any kind of peace in his life. Over and over, he was reminded of the death of his older sister. Every time he tried to go into a deep sleep, the memory would play again in his dreams. Seeing his sister being murdered before his eyes was not something he could ever get used to, even in his dreams. Especially since he wasn’t able to save her…

“Jiiya, I think I’m going to go outside for some fresh air,” Tsurugi mentioned, feeling that his senses were more in control that he could walk outside for a moment. The butler hesitantly nodded, respecting the master’s wishes as he exited the room. Tsurugi took a deep breath as he sat on the edge of the bed, carefully placing his feet into the nearby slippers. When he stood up, he grabbed the thick white robe nearby and slipped it on, feeling the warmth immediately against his skin.

Tsurugi ventured outside to the lavish backyard just behind the house. The midnight moon was bright upon the luscious greenery around him. He closed his eyes momentarily as the chilly breeze felt good against his face and it seemed to put him more at ease.

Suddenly… He could feel it again…

No... he’s after me... he killed Nee-san... and he’s after me!

Tsuguri clutched the satin fibers of his pajama top tightly as his breathing quickened. His face felt hot and he could feel his heartbeat throughout his entire body. He panicked, fearing his own surroundings as he tried to look for the culprit he could sense. The Worm was around, he knew it! But where, he didn’t know. It was too dark to see, but he could feel his presence...

I’m sorry, Onee-san...

I couldn’t protect you...
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