May 10, 2010 15:20
Regarding my last post, I am not going to get rid of this journal after all. I've had it since 2003 and I'm really fond of my username so I'm keeping it. But that's not the real reason for my post.
I'm gonna make it clear to you all right here and now:
I'm going to continue writing my fan fics; whatever comes to my mind, whether it be J-Rock, J-Actors, J-Dramas, whatever...
I don't care *anymore* if you guys read them or not. I do make them public to those who follow me and actually *want* to read them; they're there if you want to read them.
But if you're going to use the "I don't know much about it so I won't read it" card, then go right ahead. I'm tired of the excuses. I'm tired of it. Whatever the reason, I don't care.
And I don't care if you like my stories or not, I don't need your opinions anymore. If you want to comment, great. But I'm not going to expect any anymore because, the majority of the time, I don't receive any. It used to be a fucking common courtesy to leave a comment if you liked the story or not, to let the person know that you at least gave it a fucking shot. But yeah, these days it's just not like that much anymore. So I'm done. I'm done being an attention whore and feeding off other people's comments. I write these mostly for myself. I only share them because I used to think that the meaning from some of them would inspire people. But obviously, I was a fool to think so.
Oh yeah... I would love to do collaborations and stuff with a few of you writers out there, but does anyone ask me? Absolutely not. I have to beg for someone to even consider it. And even then, they "forget". Whatever. No more. I'm done. I'll just continue being solo in the writing world and watch my happy, shiny things.
That was longer than I thought it would be *shrugs*. So with that said, I may post a few stories soon(ish). I miss writing and want to try to get back into a good pace since I'm doing much better.