Story Thus Far!

Feb 12, 2010 10:03

Novi Pompeii has gone through an upheaval.

James Kirk and Evelyn Grace were discovered by Hallelujah Sparks to be agents of Cadence Wayward at the Cotillion, which led to Hallelujah threatening both of them. A week after the incident, Dimitri Nikolaidis threatened Kirk, but was stopped by Hallelujah, who offered to have Kirk spy on Cadence in exchange for payment and repentance.

A month after the fact, Evelyn Grace and Kirk slept together, causing Cadence to threaten Kirk’s life. It was after this fact that Kirk decided to leave Wayward’s operation, something that would be no easy task. He was also going to take his friend Evelyn with him, seeing the effect that Cadence’s work and personality were having on her.

At the same time as Kirk, Seth Delaney was coming up with his own plan: He was going to steal his brother, Elias Delaney’s, identity, as well as his place as king of Novi Pompeii High, and his girlfriend Lillian Guinness, whom Seth was in love with.

With the help of Wayward and Nikolas Anteros, Cadence’s best friend, he faked his own death in a car crash, his brother the only ostensible survivor. In fact, Nicky had wiped Elias’s memories of ever being Elias, and dropped him off in a nearby city, Vesuvius, while Seth took on the mantle of his brother, the ‘survivor.’

No one noticed the switch.

However, the whole incident did not sit well with Nikolas Anteros, who had released Seth from Elias’ Liar influence to begin with. He disliked what his friend Cadence had become, and wanted to leave the operation as well, with his friend/sometimes lover Alethea Westerholt.

Nicky approached Kirk with this idea, since Cadence had some inkling of Kirk’s disloyalty and had communicated it to Anteros, and the two men began to plan. Kirk convinced Hallelujah and Dimitri to help him, and Nikolas contacted several freelance agents, such as Judas Messner, Pantaleon Gregorius Whiskers, and Ariminta Tulind, to help as well.

At the beginning of February, they put their plan into effect. With the help of the outside agents, many of whom were Seekers, Kirk, Evelyn, Nicky, and Thea all fled Novi Pompeii, as well as Pan and several of the freelance agents. They were helped by contacts that Kirk had made in Vesuvius, Zen and her wife Lia Rossi, who pulled the group into their safe houses before relocating them in Vesuvius.

As of today, Kirk, Nicky, and Evelyn now run a import/export shop in Vesuvius, while Thea runs Dreamtracker in the same city as well; Lulu and Dimitri are still in Novi Pompeii, Lulu not wanting to leave her school or Renee and Dimitri not wanting to leave Lulu. Pan now works at a spa in Herculaneum, and Judas and Araminta are still in Novi Pompeii.

Cadence has also become more dangerous, in that he has been granted immunity by the government in exchange for working with one of their agents, Section 13’s David Holmes. Both Cadence and Section 13 are trying to capture a woman named Heidi, who seems to have more than one power, something unheard of in a Special.

And the scene opens again…
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