Floor meeting went well. So many people showed up that I honestly thought that some other RA's residents must have wandered into the wrong room.
56 people eat a lot less than I expected. The GA says that it's because they still had a good meal the night before, and to just wait a week. Interesting. If anything, the rush by the GA and RAs to consume the remaining food simply underscores that point. XD
Anyway, to follow up on Pacman, the reason I put him up was because of this floor meeting. I was going to have to take down all the fliers anyway, so I figured I'd make him so that he could eat them up. Here is a picture for you.
Sorry I forgot to take a picture before when he was eating the top of the line. I'll probably move him about throughout the week as he eats up pellets. If I have time I'll make a ghost and have it chase him.
I'm slowly picking up resident names. I'm sure it'll be awhile, but I'm starting. Not sure how I'll be able to meet with them all and learn enough about them before deadline, but we'll see.
The residents were opening up cabinets in the common room and found a bunch of paintbrushes. Looks like housekeeping/maintenance left them there. In one of the higher cabinet shelves that the residents (they were girls) couldn't see because they werent tall enough was a condom package with a used condom inside. I went and got paper and threw it away. Gross.