I only have two more episodes to watch - 2x12 and 2x13 - and I know that this is a two part season finale. I also know that Rose won't be in the third season (oh noes!) but Tennant will be (yay!). What I want to say is, I don't know what it is about this show that is so great, but it's just unbelievable. I loved Eccleston and I love Tennant as the Doctor. I'm having tremendous fun with the stories - I especially enjoyed "Love and Monsters" (was there Moaning Myrtle? :D) and the Impossible Planet&Satan Pit two part episode, and Girl in the Fireplace was also amazing - and I'm loving the characters. I only wish more people in Poland watched it - it's on the tv, but at 3PM on Sundays, which is far, far from primetime, and does not get too great ratings, I'm afraid.
I'm very excited about the season finale, and hope it will be as good as the previous one (I was squeeing when Rose did that goddess-like thing, I mean, seriously!)
This episode was sponsored by the Letter E for Excitement. Or perhaps S for Squee.