Meschugge - Novinha's morning

Jun 22, 2006 09:54

I woke up at 7:20 AM today, and was immediately angry at my internal clock for not letting me get enough sleep (bad body! bad bad body!) On a whim I did something I rarely do - I checked my TV guide to see if there was something interesting to see.

And there was - The Giraffe, or Meschugge, a film I've seen ages ago, while I was still in my Jewish phase (my act of rebelling against Grandparents' lack of tolerance was at the time signalled by my love of everything connected to Jews, be it music, films or whatnot; I was also searching for Jewish ancestors, and ha - there may be something here but I'm not sure).

I loved it at the time and wanted to see again ever since. I especially loved one character, Charles Kaminski, Jewish lawyer and detective (sort of).

So I watched Meschugge again today. The film is not perfect - some of the actors are a bit wooden, the plot gets a bit weird at places, the dialogues between the protagonists are a bit strained. But the story was involving even though I knew the ending, the soundtrack was pleasant to my ears (Guano Apes 'Don't You Turn Your Back On Me' and Jewish folk music with strings and - well, I know nothing about music but I really enjoyed it).

And - even at sixteen I had good taste - the Kaminski character is the most interesting one in the film. As well as handsome. And no wonder - he is played by Mr David Strathairn.

Too bad Shamak, who was the one to recommend the film to me in the first place, won't answer the phone - I feel an overwhelming need to gush about him to someone.

recommendations, films

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