Jun 05, 2006 13:35
I have found the solution. I know what I need to be happy!
Hugh Laurie, in large quantities, possibly with a cane.
::dies of hormones::
That said, this Monday is officially a Day On Crack. It started with a bus stopping in the middle of a street, making it impossible for me to cross it. Children from within were looking at me, so - obviously - I stuck out my tongue at them. They replied in kind. Except for one brat, armed in a mobile phone-cum-camera.
And then I had a writing class, and again, I forgot I'm supposed to sit politely and silently and argued about a) a mistake the teacher made (I never meant to argue, I just asked if that form was possible!) b) mistakes our textbook is full of.
For one, the textbook has seemingly never heard of such a word as 'may'. 'Can' abuse makes my teeth hurt. And 'many masterpieces often use difficult vocabulary'? ::headdesk::
real life