Sunday, Bloody Sunday...

May 21, 2006 17:07

First of all - one never realises how important hot water is, until they're deprived of it. I have beginnings of rheumatism (hereditary in my family) and washing the dishes in cold water is more than awful. My fingers still hurt, and it's not as if I didn't use some boiled water in the process.

I cleaned the kitchen and again, I promise myself I will kick the flatmates arses if they don't start doing their shares. Or if they move my soap from its rightful place ever again. Die, Muggles, DIE!

Last not least, the answers to

1. Harry Potter (other than Snape and Hermione!) - Percy Weasley. I'm evil. And whatsfunny remembered my mentioning it in passing a while ago - isn't she awesome? ;) ♥ Then again, maybe it was the shock XD
2. Ice & Fire Series (obvious, obvious, so give me two names!) - Sansa and Stannis (letter S rules ;) and so does FOS!!) Guessed by whatsfunny and lodessa respectively.
3. CSI Las Vegas - Sara Sidle, obviously.
4. Grey's Anatomy Cristina it is. lodessa
5. Szklarski - powieści o Tomku. - Pan Smuga ;>
6. Discworld - Rincewind, against all odds, it's always been Rincewind - although Vetinari is a close second.
7. Lost (that's so easy...) - I have a huge soft spot on Shannon, because she can be interpreted in so many different ways.
8. Lord of the Rings - in the books, it's Gollum. In the films, it was Grima.
9. The Master and Margarita - Pontius Pilate, as guessed by whatsfunny
10. Aforementioned Charmed - Prue
11. Law & Order Special Victims Unit - Munch. Detective John Munch is one of my favourite fictional characters ever.
12. Friends Monica (and Chandler, with equal love really) guessed by fishity
13. Sailor Moon ;) Rai a.k.a. Mars guessed by lodessa
14. Saga o wiedźminie - whatsfunny guessed that it's Regis. If I owned a cat, I'd call him Regis.
15. The Lion King Scar guessed by whatsfunny
16. Chronicles of Narnia - mrs_muggle guessed Edmund
17. Sandman - Sandman himself
18. Ender's Game series (other than Novinha ;) - mrs_muggle guessed that it is Peter Wiggin and I'd say her claim that she is Muggle can't be true, for apparently she is a Legilimens...
19. Peter Pan - mrs_muggle guessed that it's Hook
20. The Smurfs whatsfunny guessed Gargamel, although Brainy (Ważniak) has a special place in my heart. He was cute.

real life, meme

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