Life Is Behaving, and So Is the World

Mar 28, 2006 19:32

1. Today is the day I did not wear my (otherwise beautiful) cap for the first time in months. I could feel the wind (very pleasant one) make my hair (longer than it was in years) a total mess. It was fun. Tomorrow Ysabell (my Long Black Leather Coat Love) is back to being worn. I so love pretending to be darkastic stylish.

2. I watched two episodes of the second series of Grey's Anatomy and actually, as much as I do not like Meredith much, I found her very... enjoyable. It was such a "feel better" morning thing to do. It improved my (already good) mood.

3. I am being tempted to somehow scramble together the 130 zlotys the Placebo concert is going to cost... Now that I know I would have someone to go with. ::looks pointedly in the direction of Gdynia:: I am thinking... this might be my only chance ever to go to a huge rock concert, and isn't it one of those things a wild student ought to experience?


"we forewarn that while watching the cover of the new book by Ewa Białołęcka you should be verrrry careful, as life is full of surprises and dangerous colour pink..."

"ostrzegamy, że podczas oglądania okładki nowej książki Ewy Białołęckiej
RÓŻA SELERBERGU należy być baaardzo ostrożnym , gdyż życie jest pełne
pułapek i groźnego koloru różowego..."

Z poważaniem / Respectfully,
Antonina Liedtke

ETA: I've just been informed why the title sounded familiar. I knew Ms Białołęcka was a HP ff writer, but now I know which one. THE SQUEE. I mean... Wow. And she comes from Home!Town, like I do ;)


Ask me a question about each of the following:
1. Friends
2. Sex
3. Music
4. Drugs
5. Love
6. Livejournal
7. Society/Politics

# Who is this?
# Are we friends?
# When and how did we meet?
# How have I affected you?
# What do you think of me?
# What's the fondest memory you have of me?
# How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
# Do you love me? and easy one
# Have I ever hurt you?
# Would you hug me?
# Would you kiss me?
# Would you marry me?
# On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
# Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
# Am I loveable? I will answer it myself, yes, I am.
# How long have you known me?
# Describe me in one word.
# What was your first impression?
# Do you still think that way about me now?
# What do you think my weakness is?
# Do you think I'll get married?
# What about me makes you happy?
# What about me makes you sad?
# What reminds you of me?
# What's something you would change about me?
# How well do you know me?
# Do you think I would kill someone?If you answer yes, you're probably right
# Are we close?
# Will you post this somewhere to see what people say about you?

6. Now I am off to do some more Grammar and Introduction to Cultural Studies. Have a good week :D

music, television, real life, meme

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