Feb 26, 2006 00:28
In other words, I met two girls from my year in the cinema.
Brokeback Mountain...
About the film - I don't want to spoil the pleasure for those who haven't seen it yet, but I do sincerely recommend. It wasn't the best film I have ever seen, and perhaps does not make the first ten, but it did have a number of great, great scenes; I loved the actors and actresses and the characters... I couldn't not care about them. I was crying by the end of the film, and so was the girl sitting next to me.
And there was lots of sheep! Lots and lots!
I found the story compelling and realistic and it did raise many questions for me.
There is only one thing I did not like... and it was the eyeliner.
They never, ever resist the temptation, do they? Men with eyeliner on. I mean, come on!
But other than The Eyeliner from Hell...
I mean, Ennis...