Does that make me a fandom slut?

Jan 16, 2008 14:56

Meme, stolen from dark_vanessa and akzseingaName one of my fandoms and I will tell you (if possible ( Read more... )

novinha is fannish, meme

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novin_ha January 16 2008, 23:20:43 UTC

1. The first character I fell in love with - Booth.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now - Hodgins.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t - is there such a one?
4. The character I love that everyone else hates - yet again, I come up with nothing!
5. The character I would shag anytime - BOOTH. And Bones too, I guess. They're both too awesome for words.
6. The character I'd want to be like - some elements of Booth, some elements of everyone! But if I were to choose one, Cam.
7. The character I'd slap - no slapping! Unless it's sexy slapping.
8. A pairing that I love: Booth/Bones
9. A pairing that I despise: Booth/Camille
10. Favorite character: Bs win at life. Both of them.
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom: It's cool, it has BtVS links, it is a warm and nice place to be, I share it with awesome people, I read an awesome crossover with VM...
12. What are my five least favorite things about the fandom: HIATUS. FOX. Where's Fry disappeared to? That's all.
13. Who are my five favorite characters: Booth, Bones, Camille, Hodgins, Angela?
14. Who are my five least favorite characters: That previous boss guy? The bad guys, I guess. I'm so easy.
15. What are my five favorite pairings: Booth/Me/Bones. Booth/Bones. Angela/Hodgins. Play it on loop.
16. What are my five least favorite pairings: Tough question! I guess it could be any that spoils the OTP. Unless femme, of course. And especially Booth/any of his Exes.
17. Which character are you most like: you? You have some Bones to you, but you're also somewhat like Cam, I believe. ♥
18. What is my deep, dark fandom secret: Do I have one? Well, maybe that I wasn't impressed by the pilot, but later fell in love COMPLETELY.


girlupnorth January 17 2008, 19:10:25 UTC
7. XD
11. What are my five favorite things about the fandom: It's cool, it has BtVS links, it is a warm and nice place to be, I share it with awesome people, I read an awesome crossover with VM... ♥
12. yeah, FOX sucks.
14. aww, the previous boss guy was nice!
15. XD
16. I agree.
17. As I've said - I can see Bones, Cam? Not so much...
18. I wasn't VERY impressed by the first few episodes either, but then I couldn't wait to see more anyway.


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