Does that make me a fandom slut?

Jan 16, 2008 14:56

Meme, stolen from dark_vanessa and akzseingaName one of my fandoms and I will tell you (if possible ( Read more... )

novinha is fannish, meme

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etrangere January 16 2008, 14:16:36 UTC
no shame in being a fandom slut XD

A Song of Ice and Fire!


novin_ha January 16 2008, 14:54:01 UTC
1. The first character I fell in love with: I think it was Tyrion ( ... )


beardsley January 16 2008, 15:20:34 UTC

How do I say this? I never thought I could agree with 99% of what anyone ever say, but yeah, I do.


novin_ha January 16 2008, 22:28:22 UTC
HA! :D

A więc to, że się nie zgadzamy czasem co do DW jest mi wybaczone? XDDDD


beardsley January 17 2008, 09:57:57 UTC
Całkowicie. I już nie będę mówić, że Jack to Mary Sue! XD (A Rose to niech będzie Ta, Której Imienia Nie Wymieniam. :D)


whatsfunny January 16 2008, 15:27:00 UTC

Też bym chciała tego drabbla...


novin_ha January 16 2008, 16:57:43 UTC
Nie ma go na świecie - i dobrze, to było lata temu, gdy moje pisanie było gorsze, gorsze, gorsze niż jest teraz. ;)


etrangere January 16 2008, 16:00:47 UTC
OMG you like Stannis O_o XD

Stannis/Dany sounds like an... interesting pairing.

17. Which character are you most like - I have no idea! I don't know you well enough.
I think it was supposed to be who you are most like, not me.

I've written and deleted a short Jaime/Cersei drabble, a long time ago
I'd like to see that ^^


novin_ha January 16 2008, 16:56:43 UTC
I love Stannis. I've just always fall for the unloved ones, and when I read the prologue to ACoK I knew I would - the one of the three brothers with most brains and least ability to inspire love in people? Oh hell yes! ;)

I've erased all traces of its existance! That's how it's a secret, see ;D

But well, it was all about Cersei as a destructive force in Jaime's life and his despair. It was pre-FfC ;)


girlupnorth January 16 2008, 17:45:07 UTC
oh darling. Stannis/anyone???? ow. same for Jon hate. Why Jon hate? Jon is awesome.

and Cat/LF sucks like a sucking thingy on a spree of sucking.


girlupnorth January 16 2008, 17:45:58 UTC
Also, there *will* be a ff XD


novin_ha January 16 2008, 22:31:08 UTC
C/LF = zuo.

I hate Jon because it feels like he's always connecting brownie points with the readers. He even goes to discover oral sex all by his lonesome with Ygritte. Cause he's SUCH A CONSIDERATE LOVER.


I liked him in the first book, but then the ANGST and AGONY kicked in. I liked him again in FfC, where he did something ruthless. Maybe he'll grow on me again, but for now, I call him Gary Stu and am bored.

My feelings for Stannis are weird and misguided. It doesn't stop me though - we all have our sins.


girlupnorth January 17 2008, 19:05:30 UTC
Zuo indeed! Myślę, że jakby raz mu dała, to by się szybko wyleczył, a tak to zonk. Ale może spotka zombie!Cat i się wyleczy? *hopes*

Yeaah, I sort of can see your point... I guess the problem (or part of it) is that Jon is/was the only POV character at the Wall, so we have to see all his accomplishments through his eyes, and he may sometimes seem too awesome for words. But at the same time, he is learning something - as you say, he is getting ruthless, he begins to rule... so... I think he'll grow up alright XD

(I have to say I dislike Ygritte, though. Blahblah wild awesome beautiful blah blah. If I never hear "You know nothing, Jon Snow" again*, it's already have been like a hundred times too many.)

I get liking Stannis as a character, he's definitely an interesting one - but I'd prefer to keep seeing him as asexual, kthxbai.

*speaking of which, do you read sample chapters on GRRM's site? there's a Jon POV chapter up right now.


novin_ha January 17 2008, 19:11:27 UTC
I don't! I'm staying spoiler-free this time around. Woo-hoo!

Was he? What about Samwell? I don't exactly remember if he had his PoV earlier on or not. But I still don't like lame, whiny Jon who suffers MORAL DILEMMAS. I'd slap him, oh yes I would.

Ygritte -__-

Also, I think he's GRRM's favourite and it's too visible. Yuck.

(Nienawidzę niemieckiego!)


girlupnorth January 17 2008, 19:26:47 UTC
Damn, you're right. There was Samwell. But they were separated for most of the time.

No, GRRM's favourite is actually Tyrion! He said so.


novin_ha January 17 2008, 19:32:10 UTC
Then he's his second favourite - my point is, he seems biased and bent on making us like Jon, and I don't see why I should, cause I'm not interested or entertained, not really ;)

I also dislike Arya for similar reasons.


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