For a long time, I debated on what to write in this thing. Whether I should at all. There are many thoughts swirling in my head I'd like to set down in stone, organize, and make sense of. And yet, given recent circumstances, it doesn't hardly make sense anymore.
But all the same.
It doesn't make hardly any sense. Students acting crude and fighting in the hallways. And then my thoughts center around certain relations with one of my dormmates.
Pleasure is not something I relish in. It is not something I seek actively. But my eyes are continually drawn his way. If only because he would not quite willingly give it. Something to fight for, to win, to obtain.
A disgraceful act, to be sure. Horrendous in theory, in practice.
And yet, the opportunity might close. It may. I can live without.
Fascinating how some have such pathetic lives that they must still concern themselves with the goings on of the school. Terribly fascinating. I'm enthralled. Please, tell us how to act some more. Clearly, without your guidance we are just milling sheep, too dumb to even move when the train is coming. Please, let your inconsequential advice keep coming forth. Show to everyone how invested you are in the goings on of a place you no longer attend, simply because you've nothing better to do with yourselves.