Bad moods

Feb 07, 2005 20:27

Everyone seems to be depressed lately... It seems like huge problems hit all of my friends at once. I really don't have much to say, but I wanted to say something. I don't know how many of my friends read this, but for those of you having problems, I have 3 quotes I want to give to all of you.

"Plan life as if you'll live forever. Live life as if you'll die today."

"There is always love."

"The rise or fall of a civilization can depend on the decision made in a fragment of a second. There are many seconds in a day. How many seconds can you regret? How many choices?"

I guess I just want to tell all of you to never regret anything, go with the flow of things. Nothing's so important that it can't be ignored for a while. That goes for you seniors too. Just because you're going to college soon doesn't mean you have to get all stressed. You have 6-7 months left here. Use those months to the fullest. Don't let anything get you down. And for you other juniors out there, don't let this year become too important. This may be the year the colleges look at, but that doesn't mean it needs to be amazing academically. I know all of you are good at school and any college would be lucky to have any of you there.

Most people define human existence as pain. Everyone needs to try to live like a little more like me. Experience only the high points of life and ignore the lows.

If all else fails, remember, all of us are friends. All of us are more than willing to help.
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