I only have a few 'rules' and if you can abide by them apply away!
→ All graphics must be made specifically for this community. Meaning they need to be posted directly here and you can link to other communities to promo. {Yes this includes not posting directly to any of your personal communities or communities where you are a poster.}
→ The only things allowed here are stock or fashion graphics. Fandom graphics, while appreciated, are not welcome here.
→ I am looking for people who can be active in posting and promoting. I do understand that real life things happen and if you are going on hiatus please let me know.
These are subject to change without notice.
Name:How long have you been making graphics?Where else do you post?Samples: Please provide at least ten stock or fashion icons, {banners if you make them}. Make sure these are examples of your best work, if you accepted I will use them in the maker sample post.