jazzhands, glitter, fanfare of trumpets

Jan 19, 2010 12:26

HARK! I am going to be obnoxious and wave around my two help_haiti threads one last time. The auction ends tomorrow at 12 PM, EST, so there is still time to own my soul and make me do your bidding!

I'm offering a 5,000 word fic and a 10,000 word fic here! And it is entirely possible I will wind up writing more than the minimum words, because I cannot write anything without going hugely overboard. Fandoms up for grabs are: Bandom, Temeraire, The Demon's Lexicon, Sherlock Holmes 2009, Indiana Jones, Jonanthan Strange & Mr Norrell, Due South, Supernatural, Star Trek: Reboot, Merlin, Harry Potter, Scott Lynch's Gentlemen Bastards, His Dark Materials, anything by Neil Gaiman, Lewis, Generation Kill, and The Umbrella Academy.

And, maybe more excitingly, I'm offering fifteen 500 word ficlets for a flat rate of FIVE DOLLARS EACH (although, of course you can donate more if you want! *g*). But seriously, FIVE DOLLARS to a hugely good cause, and I will write you pretty much anything you want. Throw whatever fandoms, pairings, and wacky scenarios you want at me! Filthy porn crossovers or fluffy gen futurefic, I will do my best to fulfill them all. Also, well. It should be said that my whole "500 words maximum, and 1000 is my ABSOLUTE LIMIT!" thing is a lie, as the ficlets I've already written are more like 700-1800 words. :D


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