*waves* Hi everyone! It's me, I am alive! I know its been a while since you've heard from me outside my tweets...and, yep, you guessed it, I've gotten so far behind in everything I feel breathless thinking about it. Does it not seem like that's the case every year at this time? In my defense, I had a good reason this time, as you know if you've been following my tweets! So, I'm taking a moment to take a breath and catch up on birthdays before I do anything else. I'm already behind by several months.
But, before I do that, I wanted to thank each one of you who wished me well, took time out to contact me somehow and let me know I was either missed or you were sending well-wishes my way. As per usual when I've been sick for an extended time, I'm having a bit of trouble with feeling depressed, but my days were brightened by each person who took time out just for me.
Man, people, I cannot recommend the flu vaccine enough--you do NOT want this stuff. I was full-on sick for 8 full days...and I still feel weak and extremely tired even now (sometimes still have the headache, cough and sore throat). And my hubby, who also got it, seems to be following the same pattern. He's not got his voice completely back and he's been sick 7 days now. We took both kids to the Health Department today and got them vaccinated just because it's been such a hard blow to both of us. So, yeah.
And, if you know someone who gets this flu, remember to send them your best or just do something nice for them because it seems common for people to get blue or outright depressed with this stuff. I feel kinda lucky that I'm only mildly to moderately depressed given my history.
HUGE, HARD (((HUGS))) to you who made my days better by just being around! It does make a difference.
Okay, now, as we all know, I'm HORRIBLE at keeping up with my LiveJournal birthdays. And, as I've said many a time, its not because I don't care, or because I don't appreciate all of my LJ buddies...I just find it difficult to keep up with these kinds of things. I find it difficult to keep up with my real life things--prescriptions, making doctor's appointments, buying cards to send to people, etc. I just suck at it. That's established. Still, I try to do this as often as I remember or make time for because its nice to recognize each one of you even if I do miss your actual birthday. So, without further ado, Happy, Happy Birthday to all of the following. I hope you know you are appreciated!
Myspace Happy Birthday Comments From September:
chocca2 aphrodite33 From October:
xgerrardsgirlx spellweaver8 creativeelf innie_darling blackbetrayal jackfan2 deanbean08 jensendean_07 cathy1967 ficwriter1966 From November (so far, more to come):
impala1967 (Nov. 3)
bricksandwater (Nov. 12)
heather03nmg (Nov. 13)
tasha2004 (Nov. 13)
Hugs to you all!