"Dream On" Assignment--Completed!

Feb 08, 2009 22:58

Real quick, before I head to bed, I thought I'd post my latest vid. Truthfully, I am not at all happy with how it came out, but I just do not have time to keep messing with it. This was actually an "assignment" given to me by a very sweet, lovely girl, named Maria Noel on a thread at SN.tv. See, I started a thread there (on the Dean boards) called "Open Your Eyes" that was all about celebrating Dean through pics, lyrics, poems, whatever made us happy and reminded us of Dean.

Back when I had time for such things, we were giving each other "assignments." Such as, choosing your favorite scene and then providing a pic of that scene and an explanation of why it was our favorite.

Well, Maria Noel ask me to make a vid set to "Dream On" by Aerosmith for my assignment. So, I agreed. That was in late September, folks. Maybe early October. I just now got it done. *hangs head in failure*

For the life of me, the song was not speaking to me...then life got messy. But, I'm honestly not good at requests. If I don't feel a song, it's near impossible for me to make a vid.

Anyway, this is the beast, it is finally done and I apologize to Maria Noel for the utter suckitude of it all. And, also, I'm pretty well exhausted, so if this post seems stilted or has many errors, my apologies. I'm functioning on my last reserve of brain cells ;).

Title: Dream On
Song: Dream On by Aerosmith
Summary: Ehhh...not sure there's much going on with this. I started out vidding with the idea in my head that Dean went to Hell and suffered death and worse to keep Sam alive only to come back and find that he may just lose him in the worst way of all...and it scares him to the core. Somewhere along the lines, however, this may just be nothing more than a summary of the the main points of the first half of season four. I think I lost my point somewhere along the way :(.

YouTube: Streaming
Download it: Filefront

Dream On - NovembersGuest

supernatural, dream on, fan vid

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