Well, with all the drama I've experienced in the last 24 hours, I nearly forgot to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day. I really don't have it in me to be thinky like
gaelicspirit did earlier--such a deep thinking gal who is a terrific mother, so I'll just say to all you mothers out there:
Also, I want to wish
eloria24 a very, very Happy Birthday on May 13th!
Now, for a cutesy story. My son, God bless 'em, did the sweetest thing. At school they have them make their own books every year, they write a story, illustrate it and then the school has it made into a hardback book for them. Well, he took the one he made, wrapped it in Christmas paper all by himself, without supervision (meaning it was all his own idea) and then this morning, he hands the "present" to me and says, "I know you like books, so I'm giving this to you." I open it up and it's his little book he made. I'd already seen it, of course, but I thought that was SO sweet. Bless his little heart. The best gifts are made of love.
Okay, and well, I won't leave you wondering what my drama is, lol. See, where I live, it's called Tornado Alley for a reason...and, well, one went through my town last night about 6:30ish--a couple of blocks from my house 0__0 . It was close enough that some of the shingles from my neighbor's roof were ripped off. I was at my mom's taking shelter in her cellar. My parent's house had a window sucked out just above said cellar and Mom lost several panels off of her little greenhouse. All our cars and houses looked like they'd been decked out in camo, with all the ripped up green leaves dotting everything everywhere.
While we were in the cellar, of course, the electricity went out--and we were surrounded by my mom's canning jars. I felt like I'd just run into that barn with all the sharp objects in Twister. Luckily we had a flashlight, thanks to my brother who happened to be the only other one there besides myself, my two kids and one of his daughters. My parents were out with my sister and her hubby and MY hubby was driving home from work in it. Since my house was close to the action, we didn't get power back until 3 AM this morning....and I do so love electricity. One person was killed and one other, who was in a van at the time, isn't looking too good. I don't know either, but still it's sad.
My poor niece was at the school at the time attending graduation (my sis is quite a bit older than me and has a 29 year old, a 25 year old, a 20 year old and a ten year old) at the time and she said it was chaos central. People crying, screaming, and one lady went into labor--can you believe that? Yeah, they had to reschedule graduation.
So, it's been a busy 24 hrs. ;) And strangely, I dreamed of mice, gerbals and guinea pigs? Go figure. I dreamt that I had all three and was trying to make them a nice little house out of cardboard. *shrugs*