Jan 20, 2012 15:50
It seems like just when I was getting back into the swing of regular posting, I kinda became a hermit out of the blue. What was up with that? Truthfully, I'm still not fully out and about just yet, but things are getting better and I'm feeling less antisocial as I was.I actually managed to joke around and smile at work the last two days even if I did suffer a frowning setback as soon as I got home a little while ago. Baby steps, people, it's all about the baby steps.
I need everyone's prayers and positive thoughts toward getting into a better sleep routine. I've worn myself out with the lack of it and it's only compounding any other problem going on--I think I still have enough clarity to recognize that. My daytime sleepiness is so bad, I'm having trouble staying awake at work and I fall asleep anytime I get too still at home. Plus, I've been pretty testy lately, so sleep is definitely in order.
I picked up the house a little when I got home today and I'm even considering planning out 2-3 healthy meals for my hubs to cook during the week. I'll do them a month at a time...I don't know if it's a habit that will stick, but I want to try. I want to make this new year a better year in anyway I can control myself. So, there's that.
I'm sorry I disappeared on everyone and left so many comments on LJ, FB and elsewhere untouched. I just couldn't deal with it...even though I appreciated them all very much. It sounds so silly to say that and I really can't explain it to anyone who hasn't been there, but sometimes, I just can't bring myself to interact. It doesn't mean that I don't notice and appreciate all those who try to pull me back out, it's just I have to wait until I'm ready, I guess.
As for those who've asked about the status of my NaNo story and the status of "What Comes After," I do have a plan. Now that I seem to be gradually fighting my way out of The Funk, I've began writing again. I worked on my NaNo a little today and probably will do more tonight. All I need is a read through for editing and an epilogue and then I'm ready to have it beta read.
My plan is to finish the epilogue once I've done the read through--then I'm going to ask someone to beta read it for me. Maybe more than one someone. Once that has been sent off for beta reading, I plan to work on "What Comes After." Since my experience with NaNo was so positive, I think I'm going to try to write it straight through, the whole thing at one time. Then, I can send it off a chapter at a time for beta reading once it's finished and post the remaining chapters on a regular schedule as soon as I get each chapter back. I'm hoping I can get through it more quickly by pressing on with it with no breaks between chapters. I want to pretend it's NaNo all over and just push myself to get it finished for you all. That's the plan anyway.
I hope everyone is well and I have missed you all. Bear with me, it's that time of year where I tend to either be sick or depressed so I can't predict how much I'll be around, but I am feeling better today than I've felt for a few weeks now...so let's cross our fingers the trend continues!
*massive hugs to you all*
real life,
moods & emotions,
what comes after,