More Non-SPN Vid Recs & News

Oct 09, 2011 22:35

Okay, news first, vid recs last. So, I've decided to a make an attempt at spending more time here by cutting the time I spend on Facebook. The fact of the matter is, I miss you guys! Plus, I've been neglecting my poor LJ for far too long and I need to work on that. Besides, Facebook has become so automatic these days that with a few buttons clicked, I can make most stuff, including my LJ entries, post there automatically--so, kills two birds with one stone (so to speak).

Now for the vids. Yes, they are non-SPN related because I do actually have other shows I('ve) love(d) and, when things come up on SPN that make me sad, I'll probably turn to these other sources to make me feel happy because, hey,  I don't need help being depressed. I hope its not a bother for all of the SPN only people out there. Most of it will be either Buffy, House MD, Psych or Smallville related because those are the other shows I love (obviously not like SPN, mind you, but some of them are close).

The first video is a fan-made video of past season clips from House. I love House. I enjoy his struggles and how he's so fallible and trying so hard to hide that he cares. He's so dysfunctional and I love his relationship with Wilson--they're so funny. I sure will miss Cuddy this season. I enjoyed her and House's banter and complicated relationship. Anyway, back to the video rec. I love the music, coloring and overall style of this video and I hope someone out there enjoys it too.

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The second video I'm sharing comes from the Smallville fandom...because, yes, darn it, I miss it. I miss it a lot. I know some people lost their love for it and felt it was corny, but I sometimes need something less deep, dark and depressing. I like that we always knew who the good guys were and who the bad guys were (for the most part). I actually LIKE that they didn't take the characters so far out of what felt natural for them. It was nice to just be entertained without a ton of angst. I love heroes.

This video is beautiful--gorgeous. I like the music and the sentiment. I'm a sucker for romance and things of this nature. Enjoy.

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