And So, For Better or Worse, Season 7 Begins...

Sep 23, 2011 18:05

Well, tonight's the big night--season seven premiere of Supernatural. So many if us this year are entering the season with trepidation and uncertainty not know what to expect given last year's disasterous first half and how the finale left poor Cas. I know some people aren't planning on watching the first few eps, preferring to wait a few eps before they ease back into the water. Others have already quit the show permanently and still others are anticipating the season opener with as much gusto and enthusiasm as with any other year. I lie somewhere in between.

I'm definitely not nearly as excited as, say, for the 2nd season opener or the 4th season opener. On the other hand, I'm not ready to give up on the show or plan on going into tonight dragging my feet with reluctance, prepared to watch throw my fingers over my eyes the whole time, either. I definitely have concerns and fears for this new season. But, I have missed the boys--Dean in particular. I look forward to seeing Jensen back on my small screen and having that weekly dose of Jensen to look forward to even if the season is less than stellar.

So, no, I'm definitely, definitely not as excited as I have been some years for the season premiere, but there is some measure of excitement running alongside a small serving of concern. Part of me hopes we can fast-forward beyond Sam's Hell pain pretty quickly and hopefully get that put behind us as soundly as Dean's PTSD was dropped (yes, I'm still bitter about Dean's PTSD getting shafted so fast).

I go into tonight's episode with an open mind, a little hope and a small measure of caution.

One thing I hope people will keep in mind is this. It's okay for those who end up not happy with the new eps and the new season to feel that way and express that in a non-confrontational way. Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it seems crazy to others. One thing that has been bugging me pretty heavily over the summer is how some of the folks who thought season six was the bomb spent so much time griping and complaining about those people who weren't happy about it.

To tell you the truth, there have been times when the people complaining about the people complaining were as bad or worse than all those who couldn't stop hating the past season. It's one thing to have issues with a fictional show that has no feelings and doesn't care if its shown respect and another to have issues and conflict with real people with real feelings. Making fun of people through words, gifs, art, etc. shouldn't be acceptable and so readily passed on.

So I hope as the night closes everyone will remember to keep their posts respectful and mindful of folks' feelings and not become one of those who congratulate themselves for being positive (better fans) while tearing others down (definitely NOT a positive action by any means). And, if you are one of the ones who end up disappointed by the episode, I encourage you to also phrase your postings in respectful, kind ways that don't add fuel to the inevitable fire because lashing out in frustration doesn't help a thing...and you know there will be fire. At least, eventually, even if not tonight.

Loving all the episodes doesn't make anyone a better fan any more than being able to spot plot holes and figuring out the lackings of a writer's effort makes you a smarter fan. Those who are the best fans are the fans who treat people with kindness and empathy always. ;)

wank, episode thoughts, episode 7.01

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