Kriadydragon wrote a story called 'Off The Court' for First Monday. It's the one and only Gen story I have ever seen for First Monday and the character Julian Lodge (portrayed by Joe Flanigan).
Although I never saw the series myself, (I really wish they would release it on DVD) I have seen out-takes on Youtube and now I really, really want to read some First Monday (Julian) H/C Gen fiction. Pleeeeeeeease! Anybody out there willing to flex their writing muscles on a short (or long *g*) First Monday fic for kicks?
I know this time of year is very busy for fic writers but I figure it couldn't hurt to throw this out there in the hopes that at some point in the near future someone will have the time and interest in giving this a shot. *shrug*
I do have a recommendation. Even if you know nothing about this show, you will enjoy 'Off the Court' by Kriadydragon. It's awesome, as is all of her stories. Be sure to take a look at the two clips that go along with the story in the author's notes.
(First Monday was a series about the Supreme Court and those who worked in and around it. I know it (First Monday) sounds dull, but who knew wormhole physics could be so interesting? (Stargate) *wink* That's where fanfic writers come in :D
Besides who could resist this face?