(no subject)

May 19, 2008 00:41

i'm not  dead, not yet.  it's almost 1am along the wasatch front and i'm in a motel room thinking about hitting a bikram yoga class at 6am.  
there's been a lot of work and travel, more coming up.  there was one period of i think 14 days when i slept in three different canyons and a motel room.  well, one of those canyons i suppose was technically a wash next to the green river.  so, 2 canyons, one wash, one motel.
there's a boy in my life again, and last weekend he introduced me accidently to ice climbing.  next weekend i think i'm going to show him slot canyons in the san rafael swell.
god, i've got to get to sleep.  SLC, why do you shut down at 6pm on sunday nights?  *sigh* nevermind, i know why.

people out there crawling the squirrelywebs: i'm almost always thinking about you.  hardly ever in the mood for computering though, so these fond remembrances never make it down from the red rock and into your ears and eyes.  =/
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