
Mar 08, 2012 16:53

I know I've squeed about this on Twitter already, but figured it's worth a mention here.

How I Met Your Mother's ROBIN is winning to Barney (albeit by a small margin)! So unexpected, yet so incredibly awesome!!! I know that Barney will probably get further in the overall poll if he takes the lead this round, but it would mean so much to me if Robin got it. Because there's been a whole darn lot of Robin-bashing this season from the general fandom, so my heart leaps with delight to see all the love she's getting in the bracket.

Go vote for her here if you haven't already! Even if you don't watch HIMYM (and/or have no idea who I'm going on about), please go vote and I'll be sure to make you some cookies! ;)

And if that hasn't convinced you, here's a picture that practically speaks my mind:

♥ ♥ ♥

yay moment, i ♥ robin scherbatsky, random loves, help me!, tv: himym

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