well well...my two weeks at danilo's flat have just started...i've just cooked my first lunch here...i took Asia out twice for a ride...she actually even ran out, with me yelling at her "NO YOU CAN'T!", and she does not listen to me!...'cos she can't go where she wants here...cars everywhere...and the door stays right on the street...it's so odd to be in here. but good. mum, iaia and danilo are on vacation in puglia...and there's only me here...
far away from godzilla and angiari...far away from my things. i'm gonna live as an actual single young lady for the next two weeks. loool!
a million things to do next week and the other one...a wedding as well, but i'm in no mood.
i'm in the mood for nothing. i'd just love to know what i have to do with somebody...
to send that letter and risk no to hear anything from him anymore in my life...or to keep my feelings for me and keep in touch with him like we've always done..with the chance not to get news from him for months and thereby to freak out? i'm getting impatient...
and listening to ivan ferreiro and spanish songs it does not help!...spanish language is so dramatic, so direct, so sweet and passionate....and it fits my drama queen nature so perfectly...lol! i'm trying to learn it...but it's getting dramatic with ivan ferreiro...i tend to see myself in every song...
shoot me, please!
last thing...this little town was known for its "lavandaie"...(no idea if i could find the right word in english)...the women who used to launder as a profession...and they actually used to do it right in this zone of the city...for the hospital and the rich classes of this town...pretty cool uh?
¿Hace falta que te diga
que me muero por tener algo contigo?
¿es que no te has dado cuenta
de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo?
ya no puedo acercarme a tu boca
sin deseártela de una manera loca
necesito controlar tu vida
saber quien te besa y quien te abriga
hace falta que te diga
que me muero por tener algo contigo
es que no te has dado cuenta
de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo
ya me quedan muy pocos caminos
aunque pueda parecerte un desatino
no quisiera yo morirme sin tener
algo contigo
ya no puedo continuar espiando
día y noche tu llegar adivinando
ya no se con que inocente excusa
pasar por tu casa...
ya me quedan muy pocos caminos
aunque pueda parecerte un desatino
no quisiera yo morirme sin tener
algo contigo,
sin tener, algo contigo,
sin tener, algo... contigo.