Dec 28, 2003 05:00
Hey Kids,
Its 5:00, do you know where your children are? I don't. Anywho how are all you lovely people, leave me a comment telling me something you did during break that made you think for about 3 seconds that break was so awesome that you should quit school and be a bum and hang out at regal, if not, then um, make up a story, I'd love to hear it, especially if it involves dragons...or pie. So anyway on Christmas my family, Daniel, and I went to Disneyland, which was mucho neat. Especially cause my mom was excited the entire time about her emergency poncho, which she wore the entire time there, even when it wasn't raining. As ballsey as many people say they are it would take a real class act to be so proud in a poncho. Shes swell. Anywho it was really fun, Daniel is good company, I think thats cause he talks non stop which is quite a good trait. Oh yes it rained on Christmas, and pretty hard, which is usually a super swank thing, except that it was cold at Disneyland, and my mother was running around peer pressuring me into putting on the extra emergency poncho, but I wouldn't, I have my pride. Anywho it was all fun and such, but it is too bad that the next day I got all uber sickly. Damn. But all is well, cause Scott took pity on me and rented me 5 neat flicks. I got The Dead Poets Society, The Notorious C.H.O, Fame, Kids in the Hall "Brain Candy", and Valley of the Dolls. Let me tell you, watching all five of those movies was like going through menopause, it was like happy, sad, happy, funny, sad, sad, funny, happy, sad, funny. And then I had hot flashes and passed out on the couch. Anyway I still need New Years plans, but I'm thinking I'm just going to put all my friends names into a hat, draw one and then I'll go over to that persons house and spend my new years with them, whether they like it or not, thats the American way. Anywho kids, I think I should end this...right about....NOW.