Sep 10, 2008 21:54
I am reading this ridiculously long chapter from a book titled Dialectic of Enlightenment. It's for my Japanese pop culture class and we're only reading part of chapter 1. Ugh. It's a brutal read. There are paragraphs that take up an entire page. And the topic is anything but interesting. It talks about how the culture industry is blah blah blah - I would tell you what it's about if I understand what the authors are trying to point out. It's an academic book so it's no wonder the authors are very wordy. But I hate wordy authors. I get so lost in reading the sentences alone that I cannot even focus what I've read. It's so stupid. I pray that none of you will be plagued with reading this book in your future classes. It's no fun, trust me. Even my professor says it's the most erudite piece we'll ever read in this class and I'm starting to think that it might be the most brutal piece in my university career. Even worse than Kenneth Burke's Definition of Man which I was forced to read for my English 102 class. *shivers*
Haha, since I'm skimming through the pages, I'll just have to BS my way through the two written questions.
Japanese is getting complicated! I am not discouraged, though. It's just that I need more time to revisit last semester's lessons. Plus, the conjugation of verbs and adjectives are a bit difficult to learn right now. I need to study more!
life: school,
language: japanese