So, I'm keeping Ed (Dixie Greenwood) as a supporting character. Maybe the new MC will run in to him unexpectedly while he is decked out in drag. Leigh could be the MC's daughter, in which case we'll only see her character come in to play over the phone or maybe a lunch date.
still a lot of kinks that need to be worked out, but here are some of the basics
1. Name/nickname: Tom Schaefer
2. Gender: Male
3. Age: 54
4. Height/weight: 5'11, #215
5. Eye color: Brown
6. Hair color: graying brown
7. Unusual facial/body features: all white beard
8. Marital status: married
9. Parents: deceased
10. Children: 2
11. Pets: none
12. Occupation: scientest
13. Education: PhD
14. Medical conditions: high blood pressure
15. Bathing habits: normal
16. Sleep patterns: fitful, restless. in the moring, the sheets and pillows are all over the room
17. Fav. clothes: casual, khakis, polos, t-shirts, sweatshirts. the occasional suit
18. Driving habits: explosive road rage
19. Goals: retirement
20. Obsessions: plays comptuter games for days at a time holed up in the basement without realizing the passage of time
21. Sins: flirtation with secratary (?? not quite sure I want to include this in his character and all kinds of dangerous places this could lead)
22. Secret passions: always wanted to be a painter but the few projects he attempted in college came out looking like hotel room art
23. Main frustrations/obstacles: getting to retirement
24. Childhood dreams: wanted to build a rocket
25. Money habits: conservative, invests wisely
26. TV habits: yells at the news
27. Musical tastes: classical, opera, oldies, bluegrass
28. Place w/special meaning: ??
29. Fav. place to be: basement
30. Least fav. chore: laundry
31. Word used too often: wey ni how (will have to find the correct phonetic spelling for this)
32. Secret possession: father's wedding band
33. Nervous habit: jingling his keys and lose change in his pockets
34. Superstition: ??
35. Sexual history: faithful to his wife, little experience before he was married
36. Fav. color: orange
37. Religion/spirituality: protestant