Mar 02, 2010 20:44
I have just completed the second day of my new job (hurray!). I didn't want to mention anything before, partially because I didn't want to jinx it, and partially because I didn't know about it myself until I had an interview last week. Somewhat amusingly, the firm seem to have been writing to their clients telling them that I'd be taking over the files for at least a fortnight!
So it's great news. The job's only temporary, but it's in a lovely traditional firm in Worcester doing the kind of litigation I do best. The people seem lovely thus far - the boss even races Ferraris, although I bet I can't get him to give me a go. My secretary appears to be both personable and competent and the office is in a rather nice listed building. Unfortunately the listed building is also listing, which means that my desk is on a slant, and I fear that if I oiled the wheels on my half-Chesterfield-half-office style chair, then I'd just keep rolling towards the window. I am pleased to say that I have now learned to duck when entering my room, as the doorway is a little on the low side. However I fear I should keep a cold compress handy for various other members of staff who aren't quite so well-practised. And, to cap it all, my commute is a lovely 30 minute blast through some fun country lanes, followed by a rather convuluted way into Worcester that seems to avoid the traffic jams. I am a happy bunny.
Izzy seems to be taking it well thus far - although she's been at home with her Dad until now. Tomorrow she goes to the childminder for a few hours. We left her there for a couple of hours last Thursday as a preparation, and she actually seemed reluctant to come home. Apparently there had been African music and bongo drums, so I shouldn't be too surprised. I admit that I was a little jealous, but then I am just so glad that she seems so happy with Rosa. I hope that continues.
Anyway, must go now as my lovely husband (who is much better at being a housewife than I am) surprised me with roses, champagne and candles when I came in, with a view to a romantic dinner at about nine o'clock.
Life is good today.