Jun 29, 2005 16:14
Goddamnit. I need something to do. And not just the fucking landry, either. Something engaging or at least a little bit interesting, for fuck's sake. Even Megan doesn't want to play with me right now. Normally I'd be grateful to have a moment to do whatever I want, but right now I'm completely fucking hopeless. I finished my exam this morning and felt extremely relieved for awhile afterward, but now things are boring again. I'm feeling very confined and like I can't get anything important done. I'm conviced that everyone I speak to thinks I'm retarded, as well.... because I've given them all reason to, of course.
Yesterday I was no better. Liz came over for a bit though which fixed everything. But before that I was bumbling around trying to plan things and talk to people, proving over, and over again how completely socially inept I am. Fuck. Why isn't anything easy?
I need to get out of here, but there's nowhere to go. Eric has the car and it's hot as steamed shit outside. Blagh. I hate it when he has to work until 9 :(
This must be a case of the post BBQ blues. haha.
YAY! Megan is looking for my attention now :D :D :D Whee. I'm needed.