Jan 07, 2006 01:23
I went into work on Tuesday evening when around 7 I get a message on my cell phone. (I am allowed to have it with me but can't call on it until break times). It turns out that my girls were playing chase and my 16 month old met the piano from what I gathered between my husband and my other daughter. I never drove so fast from work in my life! She had 3 stitches to her lip in an attempt to heal her lip and it looks like it is working excellently as she my not show any permanent lip scarring from it. They did a good job. One front tooth is loose right now, the other has been knocked up some into her gum and it looks like the progress of her tooth next to it has been stunted for now due to it. Her regular doctor looked her over the next day and then the dentist did on Wed. The dentist took an x-ray and wants to give 2 weeks to see if the loose tooth will set as he thinks her baby teeth can be saved for a while. His goal is to keep them in as long as possible to give her adult teeth an easier entry later on in life.
Then on Thursday, I get a call from school. My other daughter had a temp of 101.5 and was having bad chect pain from all of the coughing. I took her to her doctor immediately after I picked her up as I was able to get her in to see him. Today it went down to 99.8, but before she went to bed it was back up to 101.4. I have been giving her a mix of tylenol and cough syrup asn giving my 16 month old motrin as needed for her teeth, gum, and lip pain.
To top it all off, our other car is still not fixed yet and I have used up my 10 days of car rental the the other driver's insurance company had paid for. Now I have to call them again to get them to pay for another 3 to 5 days of car rental as the body shop where our car is is not open on the weekend. They say it is nearly ready though so I am hoping by Tuesday. I found some relief here and there though playing COH when I could.