Interpol @ HMH Amsterdam (21 Nov 2010)

Nov 23, 2010 20:41

What a day... I'll never forget that night... it was amazing.

Around 17.00 we arrived at HMH and to my surprise there was around 15 people waiting outside the building. I was shocked to be honest, cause during Paradiso (HIM) I had to be early so I can have a good place to watch the band... but these guys were so relax. More people came after 18.00.

What I didn't liked was that the support act will be up at 20.30, which Interpol was supposelly up at 20.00..that changed. They would be up at 21.30... Yeah..I had to wait freaking 3 HOURS for Interpol..but it worth it.

So we found a good seats just in front of the stage and we had good view...sadly cause I was feeling ill, I couldn't get off of my seat...nevertheless I had time of my life LOL.

After that boring support act Interpol came up...and it was magic.. I can't explain how amazing it was. The cutest moment were when Paul (singer) tried to say Thank you in Dutch... 'Dank je wel...?' hihi he asked if it was right... Paul no matter what you say it would be fine LOL.

Anyway I had amazing time... and had some few moments were I couldn't sit still in my seat LOL.. but damn you camera...the zoom option wasn't that much good...cause I couldn't saw his pretty face...argg..

Next time I will damn make sure everything is perfect. Nothing bad happend... I'm not that's good sign...hihi.

Here are the pics and the video's of the night... enjoy.

For more check HERE

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This is amazing, I was really speechless when I heard this

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THANK GOODNESS I found which song it was...

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