My furnace stopped working on Saturday morning. Interestingly enough, just happened randomly. So after spending a few hours this weekend troubleshooting and narrowing down the problem, I decided it was the ignition control board. I'd go into how I came to that conclusion but it is boring nerd stuff.
Unfortunately no appliance parts companies were open this weekend. So I had to wait until Monday. I called the Ruud dealership and the lady said, "I'm sorry, we don't sell parts, we just sell furnaces. There is this place you could get the part you need but they won't sell to you since you're not a contractor." Ha ha ha...thanks lady.
So I managed to track down the part at this store in Marietta. They had two in stock. Otherwise I would have had to order it online. Which I would have saved money but I really just wanted to get my furnace working, because I have a one track mind like that.
I drove down there, got the part, and sat down to replace it. Keep in mind, I'm not a furnace guy, just a homeowner that likes to fix his own stuff when possible.
The offending part.
The replacement.
45 minutes of careful rewiring (I admit, I took a 15 minute break about halfway 30 minutes).
Piece of junk!!!
Works perfectly. A furnace company would have probably charged me $500 to do the same work. I got it done for $150 total.