Other Communities & Petitions.

Oct 02, 2006 17:15

This community is committed to the 5th of November event, no matter what the admins of LiveJournal tell us.

Please tell all of your LiveJournal friends who are disgusted by the Selling of the LiveJournal Goat-in-Sheep's-Clothing to Corporate Wolves to participate.

However, there are other things happening as well, and other communities and petitions to join/sign.


mother's LiveJournal Entry Petition

antisponsoredlj: larkspurlazuli's efforts to encourage sponsor boycott.

no_lj_ads: A collective effort committed to the "resistance to ad exposure for Basic and Logged out users on LiveJournal", which is also carefully tracking the current events. Its info page has a succinct delineation of the history of ads on LiveJournal since first announced in March, 2006.

sciofsleepsucks: "Science of Sleep Sucks: A Free Speech Community". Go there to discuss The Science of Sleep if you've seen it. On a related note, an article I'd like to call The Sockpuppetry of Sheep, as it details the probably sockpuppetry from shills for the movie The Science of Sleep, which happens to be the first real high-profile "sponsored community" (brought to you by the nice hard cash of Warner Independent Films). Moreover, it underscores the inherent problem that will (and probably already has) occur when you let sponsors into a longtime ad-free space.

scienceofsuck: A community for people pissed about the degeneration of LJ's "ad-free" space into...well, a not-so-ad-free space, and associated issues.

fucksixapart: A community to discuss the notion that Six Apart is ruining LiveJournal.


THIS IS A LIVE POST. If you have a community/journal or website related to the Six Apart/"LJ ads" debacle, please feel free to comment so I can link you in here. I also ask that you continue to spread the word about the 5th of November Blackout Event, because quite frankly, if no one speaks, then nothing will be heard.

LAST EDITED: 10/02/06, 10:50 PM PST

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