May 04, 2005 15:23
Yes, it has old friend...18-19 days as my girlfriend pointed out to me last night (thanks for counting sweetheart). So Let's see what has happened in the past few weeks.
-Have i mentioned before the Weezer tickets I boought?
-Add to that Stevie Nicks/Don Henley tickets bought for the love of my life:Amanda
-Also add James Taylor tickets for my other love: my mother (Who turned 50)
-My bedroom walls now shine a brightly-dull white/brown-beige crap color thanks to the removal of my posters.
-My cousin turned 7 the same day that my uncle turned party it was despite my headache.
-Amanda and I reached the 31-month mark. Hooray!
-Papers have been written...many at that for school (Glad those are over).
-I am in the middle of becoming a car-owner
-Oh yeah, and a new Pope was elected (clearly the highlight of my absence from LiveJournal)
It seems my stay at the luxurious Fitchburg State College is coming to an end once and for all. I have not decided yet whether or not I will stay past my last day of May 12th. Decisions Decisions. I guess i have time to sleep on that. I am looking forward to summer. Just because i hate the cold and rainy days we've been having much lately. Any other reasons? I suppose not. It'll just be a productive working summer so that i can roll in some benjamins. Other than that the summer may be boring (note:i'm not saying that work is not boring). Oh by the way, Amanda, have i pissed you off yet by saying you would not be thee highlight of my summer? That was what i was going for. But of course you are thee highlight. "tis will be fun. Game Nights with the fam, theme park visits, Rockport, The CAPE!! Yes, fun fun fun. I love you so much hunny bunny. Won't you miss these days where we are miles and miles apart? God, i hope not. These have been hellacious years (the past 2) for me. Nancy told me once that absence makes the heart grow fonder. That being apart from one another is a test of the relationship. It looks like we passed. The High School sweetheart-bond CONTINUES FOREVER!!! I love you and i will talk to you later.
-Guitar Sculpture Out!
p.s. Congrats hun on the well received critique by Joanie...See...Joanie LOVES Mandy.