Since people were curious about my coloring in the
FMA icons post and since I rarely make icons anyway, here is a Photoshop CS3 action to automatically change the coloring of images (preferably high quality anime screencaps).
I've also added some tips and a mini tutorial on resizing and sharpening.
(Click to zoom)
Download the action
- Open a high quality anime screencap in Photoshop CS3 (you can find many @ diminishcap for instance)
- Load the anime coloring ATN file in the actions palette
- Zoom out of the image till you're at 50% view and then click play on the anime color boost action
Additional coloring options:
- For more yellows, reds and blues: unhide/show the additional color folder
- If you're image turns extremely blue like this, play the second action extreme blu color fix immediately after the anime color boost action (which results in THIS)
[Note: if it suddenly looks pixelly/choppy. please hide the Black & White 3 layer located in the addtional color folder]
After the action(s), for
- very bright images:
- hide the dust n noise reduced layer
- unhide/show the Background layer
- very dark images:
- hide the dust n noise reduced layer
- unhide/show the Background layer
- unhide/show the screen layer
- Increase the opacity of the screen layer to around 75%
At this point I usually play with the opacities of individual adustment layers to optimize coloring and then do one last selective coloring adjustment layer and one final levels layer.
Resizing into icons - my steps are:
- Flatten the image
- Filter/Noise/Reduce Noise with settings: Strength: 10, Preserve details: 9, Reduce Color Noise: 0, Sharpen Details: 14
- Crop the image to 100px x 100px
- Use Filter/Sharpen/Smart Sharpen with amount at 140% or so and radius at .2 pixels (that's POINT 2 pixels)
- If its still not sharp enough I repeat Smart Sharpen with radius at .3 pixels and amount somewhere between 30% - 80%
Note: At the very end I usually use color dodge and linear burn/multiply layers as demonstrated by
sinspire in
this tutorial @